Monday, October 15, 2007

what a weekend!

so last we left our fearless heros they were holed up in the studio thursday night. Well, it's official. WE ARE DONE ... with the instrument tracks. we're excited, i think they came out better than expected. matt and i then spent a good 5-6 hours on saturday (nothing like singing in the upstairs hallway at midnight) doing vocals for these last songs. sunday was more take picking, and stoph came over to lay down some percussion ideas (shakers, some tambourine, you know .. the good stuff)

schedule for this week?

monday: Al's coming over today to put down the last of his vocal tracks.
tuesday: a practice, little band meeting to prepare for all the albumy details.
wednesday: ... some hand claps and what not .... party times. but we're taking that night off to hit up the Two Gallants/Blitzen Trapper show.
thursday: ya'll should come out to The Brass Rail for us, Sinfonia Antartica and Frantic Romantic. shows gonna be CRAZY good times.

barely a free moment. but .... on the plus side, we've managed to tenatively secure some dates for the cd release .... what's that? did you say Dates? why yes i did ... there will be a pre-release show up in LA the night before the official Release show down in SD (for all those people who complain it's too far to drive to SD, well, we'll do the driving for you, except with our car.. to your city.. not your car to our city, cause well, that's physically impossible, well it's possible, but it would require us to come up to your city, and do it for all of you, you the whinners, which is a lot of you, no i'm not being insulting, just calling em as i see 'em ... oh come on now .. it's okay ... we still love you ..... cheer up. there, don't you feel better .... now where was I .... ah yes ...). so 2 release dates! 2 chances to catch all the new songs. it's gonna be EXCITING. expect the release to be mid-dec, most likely Dec 13th/14th (don't quote me on that) ... and we've got some exciting people to be playing with as well. oh it's all so exciting. i can barely contain myself.

photos and more concrete album release details as they present themselves.

'til then. heads to the grindstone?, and eyes on the road. we've got work to do

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